In 2008, the Indian Space Research Organization designed a lunar orbiter which they named the Chandrayaan-1 which was designed to explore the moon. This would improve and develop India's technology and was a major boost in India's Space Program. In order for the experiment to take place, the scientists spent $80 million to launch the vehicle into the lunar orbit. This decision cost the country lots of money and created a lost in other improvements the country could of made to help the poor and suffering. India is a very poor country in some parts and could have used that money to develop better living conditions and obtain food for the unfortunate. The opportunity cost of either increasing scientific knowledge and technology in India or using the money to decrease poverty and suffering was an issue. The Indian Space Organization decided that their experiment was a better use for the money and Chandrayaan orbiter was launched. Although their was a loss of money that could have been used to improve other parts of the country, the Chandrayaan orbiter was successful. Scientists discovered that there was water present on the moon and also caves, thanks to Indian technology. They were very proud to place the Flag of India on the moon and make their mark in scientific discovery. I think many of the Indian scientists would agree that the $80 million was well spent, but many people would have disagreed and believed it should have been used to help the good of the country.